Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Time for yourself

December is here, the temps are getting colder, we just finished Thanksgiving holiday.  At this time we are reminded to slow down, but thanks to another holiday coming up we often ignore this need.  Winter is a time of reflection, connecting to our inner self.  As a result of ignoring this natural process, we start seeing illnesses in full swing at this time.  I was reminded yesterday, when I felt illness in my aura.  I would like to share some realistic ways of slowing down & connecting.

With the new moon & our shifting into sun sign Sagittarius, it is a good time for some energy cleansing.  If you are like me & had some real insightful shifts in sun sign Scorpio, then there is alot of sloughing off needed.  Scorpio loves to delve into the dark, I am reminded by my 3 sons who reside in this sign.  The point of Scorpio is to churn up all the negative you've been suppressing, understand it & see your relationship with it.  Sagittarius wants us to take all this new information & begin dreaming the new.  Plus with our holiday we just had, we saw people we hadn't seen in a while & there is a tendency for some to absorb others energy.

So here is what I did yesterday evening once starting to "feel" my illness.  Run a hot bath & pour apple cider vinegar (rule is about a cup, but if you have not had a vinegar bath before you can tone it down, you eventually get used to it).  I soaked in it that for a while, till I went to that relaxing state.  Once there I take my Epsom salt (or canning, pickling salt either of them are fine) pour some in my hand & lightly scrub my whole body, even my head/hair (if you have any cuts or scrapes it will burn).  The salt not only scrubs off some dead skin, it clears the aura & chakra's that is why I even do my hair (not to mention it will soften your hair as well).  I usually sit in meditation after the salt scrub (whatever position in the tub that is most comfortable to you is fine).  I don't like to rinse it off right away.  If you have any part of you that has a cut or is burning during meditation go ahead & rinse with the vinegar bath that part.  I usually will have a cup of echinacea tea while in meditation mode.  I rinse off in the vinegar bath, at that point you can be done or you can go ahead with your normal shower.

You will feel refreshed & relaxed.  I like to do this before bed.  Take time for yourself, reflect with whatever comes up in your mind.  If you have a busy house with kids or what have you, a walk out in nature is also refreshing.  To me, whatever relaxes you or puts you in your creative zone is your time for yourself.  I don't believe it only has to be meditating.  Take this time to explore yourself, just turn off your tv & turn inward.  

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


I want to talk about relationships.  Our relationships, that we have with others, are deeper than we realize.  But to fully understand what I'm talking about we need a bit of a lesson.

In our physical world, we all seem to be completely separate beings.  We see, with our eyes, where other physical beings begin and end.  What we don't realize is there's more to our life than what we only see.  If we were more in tune with the invisible energies, we would realize the depth of our world.  But in a world where we are numbed by television, out of touch with nature and told that our imagination has no importance, we are "blind" to the invisible world.

Fact is, we are all connected by an invisible world.  This is where intuition or 6th sense come from.  This invisible world is why mom's know when their child's lying.  And where our "gut feelings" come from.  If we were in tune with this energy, we would know where our thoughts in our head come from (yes, not all your thoughts originate from you).  We would know everyone's intent.  Whether their intent was to come visit you or harm you.  We would know if our bad mood originated in us or whether we soaked it in our energy from another.  All of this involves the invisible energies or ether as I will call it from now on.

Ok so now we have a basic (tip of the iceberg) knowledge about the ethers.  Our relationships function greatly from the ethers.  Our relationships cycle, have you ever noticed that a friendship you had maybe ended in a not so great light. Then you met a new friend & that friendship (though different circumstances) ended not so great also.  Or maybe your cycle is that you meet someone & it seems you two are getting close and then the friendship seems to dissipate.  Or maybe you see that your husband's relationship with your child greatly resembles the relationship of your father & grandfather.  Think about all the relationships you have with family, friends and you might start to see a pattern.  All of these cycles come from your set beliefs & the ethers put them in motion.  And I'm not saying to only look at the not so good relationships (even though the not so good ones are where the lessons are coming from).  Look at the relationships that do seem to be going great too.  Because you can learn from those too.  Also look at the relationships of your ancestors because we cycle there ethers with in us also.

I am going somewhere with all of this, but it is alot of detailed information to just throw out here in one blog post.  This week just observe your different cycles of relationships.  Write them down if you feel it will give you a better grasp.  And use your feelings while observing too.  Because sometimes even though the relationships "look" different they make us feel the same.  Pay attention to cycles that you feel you are repeating from your ancestors.  Or that you see your children or spouse repeating from your ancestors.  If you need help or advise just get a hold of me & I'll try my best to help make myself clear or help you with your clarity.  And next week I will go over why we have these cycles.

Sat Nam

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Just Breathe

I am overwhelmed with how much inspiration has come in to my life.  I enjoy being inspired, I feel it brings a flame to my own inspiring.  I very much love to inspire.  I imagine that I bring light to those who may feel that they are lost in the dark.  We are all feeling that this life is no longer making sense.  We are all feeling the strings of needing so much material being snipped.  We are realizing that we are truly not free.

You have a choice, you have a voice.  We are all being asked to become the full potential beings that we came here to be.  We are all being asked to stop being slaves to those who rule.  We are being asked to join together because just like the movie "Bugs Life", we are very powerful in numbers.

Our energy, our bodies, WE are very important beings.  This world we live in is very important.  Our universe is very important.  We cannot access our full potential without first realizing these statements are true.  We cannot access our full potential without first realizing the depths of these statements.  Allow your inner workings to really FEEL what I am saying.  You are important, you are not here in this time/space accidentally.  The synchronicity of you being here right now is very purposeful.

We are here to become fully awake.  To fully reach the potential that is us.  There are several things that we need to do to begin this journey.  To bring in our true selves we must speed up our vibration.  Now you may be asking what do I mean by this.  Or you may understand vibration, either way I will explain.  Everything has a vibration.  It is simple science, everything that is energy has a vibration.  The vibration of you, the plants, the animals are different.  We see that everything is different with our eyes, but we have become numb to our feelings and the different vibrations that all things have.  Even non-alive things have a vibration.  Our energy is being sped up, this is why time seems to be going faster.  Everyone in our lives is in fast paced mode.  Even our creations (if you don't understand what I mean by creations you'll need to look at one of my earlier posts this one)  are coming to us faster.  And depending on your creations you are probably either feeling wonderful, or super stressed!  I don't know alot of people that are feeling the bliss part.  And that is ok accept that this is where you are at.  Remember I said nothing is accidental, everything is VERY purposeful.

So how do we receive the full benefit of this quicker vibration we are dealing with?  Well this may sound backwards but the key is to slow down.  We have to find time in our day to slow our energy down & just deep breathe.  That is why meditation works for people because they are allowing themselves time to slow down.  But we don't have to sit and meditate to receive the benefits.  All we have to do is get our "focus" out of our mind & into our belly.  Do this right now!  Stop what you are doing, take your left hand to your belly & bring all of your attention to it.  And take slow deep breaths, as slow and as long as you can.  We focus on our belly because it is our creative point.  We do not create in our minds (Ok so I sound like I am contradicting myself because of my creating post.  We only use our minds to visualize the creation, the creating process actually comes from the belly.  That is why it is important to slow down our energy when we are doing our visualizing), we create in the belly.  Our belly is also our feeling center, which we need to get in touch with.  You can tell when there is too much energy running through your body that you are not handling well because you'll fidget.  Whether it is bouncing your legs, biting your finger nails (or the skin around it), anger, frustration, yelling, etc.  When you allow yourself to notice these signs, let that be your key to stop, feel your belly with your left hand, and breathe as slowly and as deep as you can.  This means you can do this virtually anywhere!  I'm a nursing mom so I take that time to be my slow down time.

Practice this & I guarantee it will help you.  In reality we should be in the slow down state all the time.  So practice being in this state as much as you can remember to be.  Set notes around you saying things like "Are you slow, are you feeling?"  Much love to you!
Sat Nam

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Your intuition is calling

Tuesday was a full moon in the sign leo.  For some this day came as a huge relief, ending a period & beginning anew.  For others, this day started an "all wrong" week.  We are influenced greatly by the moon.  The full moon begins a 2 week period of internalizing, re-connecting with spirit.  Those who embrace and allow themselves to slow down & connect with their intuitive self, feel a relief at this time.  Those who don't allow the internal connection & try to separate it have a hard time right now.  The theme for these 2 weeks is leo ruled, so we know that we will be dealing with matters of the heart (which is what leo rules).  So our intuitive self is asking us to look at how we love (selfishly or selflessly).  If you are one who is feeling better this week than you have been in the last couple of weeks, further this good feeling by setting time to meditate & really connect with your spirit (if you haven't been).  If your feeling worse than you have in the last couple of weeks, realize that this is ok.  Realize that it is not easy for you to slow down & listen to your inner self.  Realize you are deeply entrenched in the physical/material world.  See this as a lesson for you to conquer.

Start by taking 3-5 minutes of your day to sit in a quiet place, close your eyes & breathe.  First just watch your breath, meaning focus on your breath, the rise and fall of your belly.  Then, slow down your breathing.  Begin taking a deep breath, fill the belly, then the chest, until you can inhale no more.  Then, slowly exhale your breath first in the chest, then down to your belly, pull your belly in to push out all the air.  Keep doing this till your time is up.

When we slow down the breath we have more control of our minds, we are connecting to our spirit.  When we focus on the belly, we are opening up a doorway to our intuitive self.  Our physical/material world is crumbling around us, we need to connect to our spirit for guidance.  We need to remember, that we are all connected.  Your thoughts and actions effect everyone around you, whether you acknowledge this or not.  This life is no longer about you as a separate self, it is about us a unified being.  Stop being selfish & only thinking of yourself, start living your life knowing your bad mood, ugly thoughts effect us all.

Sat Nam

Saturday, January 28, 2012


So, last month I talked about connecting with our inner being and creating consciously.  If you have been doing this you should really be feeling your being.  There might even be emotions coming to the surface.  We'll touch on what these emotions are saying.

Emotions are our doorway to spirit.  They are our literal guidance system.  Think of emotions as our red flags, telling us to turn inward.  We, as humans, have been taught that emotions should be suppressed.  That there is no reason for them.  Of course emotions have a wonderful purpose.  We need to let go of this paradigm.  Embrace the paradigm that emotions are perfect.  Let go of the pre-conceived judgements of emotions.

This week or month (however long it takes me to blog next), anytime an emotion comes to the surface, let it go and follow the emotion.  Where does it go?  What does it lead you to?  If it's painful, give yourself love.  Again don't judge where it leads you.  Think of "good" and "bad" as a limiting belief structure.  Think of everything you've ever gone through in bigger pictures.  As a perfect, divine blueprint you designed.  To get you to the perfect place you are today.  Take your power back!  Realize everything is always in perfect synchronicity.

So this week we are letting go of limiting barriers by:
  1. Not judging our emotions
  2. Allowing our emotions to rise to the surface
  3. Feel the emotion, let it go and follow where the emotion takes you
  4. And lastly don't judge where the emotion takes you
When we stop judging everything as good and bad, we start to step away from the dramas of our life.  We stop seeing each other as separate and we begin to see the unity in all people.

Love and Light!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Create with Intention

I wanted to start a series off with the most basic, yet truly important part of life.  That is to create with intention.  Now most of this information came out when "The Secret" went mainstream.  Yet people are not grasping how important this skill is.  We are flowing down a stream, a collective stream, where everyone contributes.  We decide, through our thoughts, whether this stream is smooth & the sun is shining bright on us.  Or whether it is dark, with treacherous waves and we are coming towards a dastardly waterfall.  We can tell which stream we are in by how our life looks.

Our life is a mirror of our inner being.  If we are not dealing with a situation on the inner level, life tells us then I'll show what you are doing on an outer level.  This is how life works.  All of our relationships are outer projections of what is going on inside within spirit.  We have chances to work things out within ourselves, when we don't and we decide to bury it, it manifests in the physical world.

Create means to cause to be; bring into being.  Intention means the ultimate purpose; aim.  As humans we are completely out of touch with our spirit.  We are only on the physical.  People have intentions to becoming closer to God, yet we are still looking at an outside entity.  We do not see (and are not taught) that our being is our direct link to Prime Creator.  That our being (spirit) is what was made in the likeness.  So that we too can create, like God created all that we see.

So our first goal is to intend to connect to our spirit.  We do this by simply stating, "I will, I intend, I command to connect with my spirit".  Say it with force, love and meaning.  Why do we say it this way, because it empowers us.  We have lost our force within.  We have played our story in our head that says I am helpless, I don't matter.  We matter, we can change the World with our thoughts.  So we intend with power, we say I am not a victim of life.  I am a co-creator of all that is right now.  We are taking back our innate power.  We are shaking ourselves up.  We say I have the power to change the universe with love.  We understand and begin to remember this is why we are here.  We are hear to break down our confined barriers.  And to realize we are limitless because we are Love and we bring Light.

Now intending works with physical as well as spiritual.  Everything we do is out of an intent.  Play with this intending.  What do we want out of life spiritually, physically?  Write down 3 things right now, not even thinking about them.  What did you write?  Are they material things, are they non-physical (spiritual)?  Now keep this list so we can come back to it.

We create through imagination.  Imagination's definition an imagining; power of forming pictures in the mind of things not present to the senses.  So when we think, we produce a holographic image in our mind's eye.  A lot of times we don't realize we are producing pictures.  In fact when we connect with other beings it is astounding to me that we are connecting more with out words then we realize.  When we get really deep in our thinking, we begin to see the scenario in our head (mind's eye).  This scenario is us creating at that very moment.  Sometimes we get some emotions in this scenario in our mind's eye.  Emotions speed up the creating process, it is saying this affected me so much I need to catapult this idea for further learning.  So let me ask you what kind of scenario's are you playing in your mind's eye?  My guess is that you are not creating out of spirit.  Meaning you are not creating with your highest will in mind.  It's ok to think of all the destructive scenario's we have been playing out in our mind's eye.  We all have been doing it.  Think of life as it is, a big play.  We are all lost in a "role" that we feel we cannot get out of.  We have forgotten who we really are (love creating with light).

So now we are beginning to see what we are doing to ourselves.  We have been taken down a treacherous stream, but with our intention we are picturing the calm, perfect stream.  Here are steps to completely dissolve the treacherous stream and to awaken in the perfect stream.
  1. We should be meditating daily! It is easy all you need to do (at first) is to get quiet time, make the room dark.  Set a timer for 5-10 minutes.  Close your eyes, feel your breathe, feel inside you.  Allow your insides to relax through breathing.  Let everything go, allow whatever emotions you feel to come.  Breathe through whatever thoughts rise up.  Don't follow the thoughts just let them go.  Don't worry about your to-do list, allow this time for you.  You are important, you are powerful, feel that inner being that is your true self.  Our true self is love.  Feel this love, let it fill down through the top of your head (crown chakra) through your whole body.  Allow anything uncomfortable to trickle out of your feet.  It feels good to reconnect, eventually you will want to do this for longer times.  For this week, just work on doing this twice a day for 5-10 minutes.  Take that inner feeling with you when you open your eyes. Allow yourself to feel that inner being even when you are not meditating.  That is the true you, that glorious feeling.
  2. We have an intention.  Start your day with an intention, whether it is to connect and realign with spirit.  Or something on your to-do list.  Maybe your intention is just to be happy for the day.  Whatever it is intend it "I will, I intend, I command (fill in the blank)".  Anytime you think of something you want throughout the day say (out loud or to yourself it does not matter) "I will, I intend, I command _____".
  3. To create what we want, we must know what we want.  Take your list you made earlier, say the intention.  Imagine what you want, bring feeling to it.  What does it look like, what does it feel like to already have it?  Feel the appreciation of having it, give thanks to the Earth for bringing it forth.  (or anyone else who helped create this)  Do not worry about how this creation will come about.  You only focus on the end result.  The beauty of the creating process is that there need not be any work for it to come about.  You might get inspired to an action that brings about this.  You might meet someone that helps to fulfill this creation.  Know that this manifestation is on it's way.  Realize any doubt that this is not how creation works only hinders the creating process.  We must empower ourselves and know whatever we ask for we deserve!  Trust that we are magnificent beings.  We are far greater than anyone has ever lead us to believe.
So now we know the scenario's in our mind (imagination) is what we are creating.  Awaken to this thought.  Embrace it.  Do not judge what you have been thinking about.  Empower yourself by knowing you have the ability to change EVERYTHING in your life by following these steps.  Write down what you have created and how it came to manifest.  Share with me, I love to hear your stories.  I want to know who you are!  Appreciate what you have already manifested and that which you will manifest. Know you would not be where you are had you not been on this path.  Love that part of you, allow love to come into your being.  Give thanks for life.

Love and Light!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Stress much?

Stress, depression, anger, hostility are all different emotions stemming from the same problem.  An out of balance, a need for quiet.  What is out of balance?  We as a society are almost all mind, all thoughts all the time.  We think, we hypothesize, we strategize, our thoughts hardly ever stop.  So what is the balancing factor?  To still those thoughts, to not think, to connect with our spirit, our intuition.  How do we usually do this?  Sleep, watch TV helps to not think for a moment, but we need to make time in our day to quieten these thoughts with meditation or to sit still, but I don't think most people have the knack to shut off the thoughts in our head.  Meditating is where our spirit lies, where our intuit side of ourselves reside.  It is a very powerful place.  Why do you think we are not taught this?  It is a key to awakening, to unlocking that missing piece of ourselves.  We all feel that there is something not quite right, we are all searching for something.  I am here to tell you that all that you are searching for is inside of yourself.  We are not taught our true nature, to be in balance.  Instead we are taught that something is wrong if you are constantly stressed, depressed, angry.  It is because we don't know how to balance the out of control thoughts with the ability to quiet those thoughts.  We are the masters of our thoughts, they are not in control.

Learn how to meditate, it is not hard.  You sit in a quiet spot & let everything go.  Our feelings of stress, anger, sadness is our emotions saying "Hey you, it's time for me".  We innately know this because what do we do if our kids are out of whack?  We send them to quiet time, have them go to bed.  You see we have all the answers, we are not looking in the correct spot.  If you are willing to give yourself some quiet time at least once a day, you will see how much of an improvement your life will take.  We all need to reconnect with spirit.  What do you think this 2012 stuff is all about?  The male (mind) part of ourselves has been dominate for too long.  The female (intuitive) part is demanding to be in balance with it.  We are extraordinary beings.  We are capable of so much more than we are led to believe.  Love yourself, trust yourself enough to awaken your spirit. 

Love & Light